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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the LABTEX factory.

Export of Products

Export of LABTEX products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All LABTEX products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant LABTEX: laboratory metal furniture, viscometers, instruments for the analysis of oil and petroleum products, rotary evaporators, thermostats, water baths, flask heaters, vacuum drying cabinets, microspheres for chromatography, tripods and accessories, lifting tables, centrifuges, magnetic stirrers, top drive, shakers
  • Viscometers LABTEX
    VPJ-1, VPJ-2, VPJ-4, etc.
  • Laboratory furniture LABTEX
    Laboratory furniture
    cabinets, cabinets, taps, etc.
  • Laboratory tables LABTEX
    Laboratory tables
    weighing, washing, auxiliary
  • Oil analysis devices LABTEX
    Oil analysis devices
    ARNS-1, TVO, TL-1, etc.
  • Rotary evaporators LABTEX
    Rotary evaporators
    IR-1LT, IR-20LT, IR-50LT, etc.
  • Shakers LABTEX
    SKL-180, SKL-330, SKO-180, etc.
  • Magnetic stirrers LABTEX
    Magnetic stirrers
    OS-20, MS-200, MS-400, etc.
  • Centrifuges LABTEX
    OPN-16, CVR-21, CLN-5, etc.
  • Lifting tables LABTEX
    Lifting tables
    LT-150, etc.
  • Water baths LABTEX
    Water baths
    LT-2, LT-4, LT-6, LT-8, etc.
  • Thermostats LABTEX
    LT-TWC/7, LT-TWC/11, etc.
  • Flask heaters LABTEX
    Flask heaters
    LT-250, LT-500, LT-1000, etc.
  • Vacuum drying cabinets LABTEX
    Vacuum drying cabinets
    LT-VO/20, etc.
  • Microsprits LABTEX
    GC MLT, HPLC MLT-1, etc.
  • Tripods and accessories LABTEX
    Tripods and accessories
    holders, rings, etc.


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